Data Portability

Last Updated on May 18, 2020

Data Portability

How can I download my content/data from my DigitalOcean Services?

If you need to access and download data from your Droplets, Block Storage volumes, or Spaces, we have a number of different resources available to make this as easy as possible.

Droplets and Block Storage/Volumes

Downloading your content or other data from any of your Droplets functions the same as any other file transfer operation you might already be familiar with. We have a few community tutorials available that can help you accomplish this in various ways:

What if my Droplet is inaccessible or not online?

Good news! We have a tutorial available for recovering files via our rescue ISO.

What if I have some content that lives on one of my Block Storage volumes?

With this tutorial, you can easily re-attach the volume to a Droplet and access your data by one of the above means.

Spaces/Object Storage

To download any individual file from your Space, go to the “More” menu and select “Download” (see below image). This will retrieve the file to your local machine. Visit this tutorial for additional information about Spaces.


If you have content/data that happens to live on an old snapshot image, you need to 1) create a new Droplet from that snapshot, 2) use one of the methods under “Droplets and Block Storage/Volumes”, and 3) delete that Droplet once complete.

We do not have any other method for extracting data from a snapshot. For more info on snapshots, please use this tutorial.

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