Reliable and scalable hosting Magento hosting solutions

DigitalOcean provides dependable and scalable cloud computing solutions that can be used for Magento hosting, empowering you to deliver robust hosting services to your clients.

Why choose DigitalOcean for Magento hosting

Magento, an open-source e-commerce platform, has been the backbone of online retail for many retailers in the past decade. It boasts over 2.5 million downloads of its platform code and facilitated sales of $155 billion worth of goods in 2019.

With DigitalOcean’s cloud hosting infrastructure, you can deploy and manage your Magento store. The platform offers high-performance SSD-based Droplets, optimized for Magento’s resource-intensive requirements, ensuring fast page load times and seamless customer experiences.

Magento hosting features offered by DigitalOcean

Load balancers

Implement load balancers to evenly distribute traffic among multiple Magento hosting instances, optimizing resource utilization and enhancing reliability.

Managed databases

Utilize managed database services to streamline data storage and retrieval, enhancing your store’s performance and scalability.

One-click app deployment

DigitalOcean streamlines Magento hosting with one-click app deployment. It automates Magento’s installation and configuration, including dependencies, enabling swift and hassle-free store setup, reducing manual effort, and accelerating your e-commerce venture’s launch.

Developer-friendly tools

Access a suite of developer tools, including robust APIs, SSH access, and easy integration with DevOps workflows for efficient store management with DigitalOcean Magento hosting services.

99.99% uptime SLA

DigitalOcean Droplets provides exceptional uptime, helping to ensure your online store remains accessible to customers without disruptions.

How to install Magento on DigitalOcean

Magento is a widely used e-commerce website content management system, catering to businesses of all sizes. It boasts a vast library of extensions and themes for customization. Powered by MySQL, PHP, and the Zend Framework, this tutorial guides you through a Magento installation with Apache server setup, encompassing essential performance and security adjustments.

Tips for optimizing performance on DigitalOcean

There are a few things you can do to optimize Magento performance on DigitalOcean:

Use a large Droplet size

Magento is a resource-intensive platform, so choosing a Droplet size with enough CPU, RAM, and storage is important.

Use SSD storage

SSD storage is much faster than traditional hard drives, so it can significantly improve Magento hosting performance.

Use a caching plugin

A caching plugin can store frequently accessed data in memory, which can improve Magento hosting loading times.

Optimize your images

Compress your images before uploading them to your Magento hosting e-commerce platform. This can reduce the size of your images and improve loading times.

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

A CDN can deliver your static content (such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files) from servers that are located closer to your visitors. This can improve loading times for visitors from all over the world.

Get started with DigitalOcean for seamless Magento hosting solutions

Frequently asked questions

What is managed Magento hosting?

Managed Magento cloud hosting refers to a hosting service where the provider handles all technical aspects of hosting and maintaining a Magento-based online store. This includes server setup, security, updates, backups, and performance optimization. It allows store owners to focus on their business while the hosting provider helps ensure a secure and high-performing environment for Magento hosting. While DigitalOcean itself does not offer managed Magento hosting, Cloudways by DigitalOcean does offer managed Magento hosting for those who don’t want to self-manage their own servers.

Why is DigitalOcean one of the best Magento hosting providers?

DigitalOcean is one of the best Magento hosting providers offering cloud infrastructure with high performance and reliability. Its hosting plans allow you to scale resources as your Magento store grows, helping ensure excellent website performance.

What’s the difference between Magento hosting plans and dedicated hosting for Magento?

Magento hosting plans are specialized hosting packages optimized for Magento stores, offering pre-configured environments for easy setup. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, involves renting an entire server exclusively for your store, providing full control but requiring more technical expertise and higher costs. The choice depends on your store’s size, traffic, and your technical capabilities.

What should I consider when choosing a Magento hosting provider?

When selecting a Magento hosting provider, consider factors such as server performance, scalability, security features, 24/7 support, Magento hosting expertise, and pricing. Ensure they offer features like SSD storage, SSL certificates, and server-level caching for optimal Magento hosting performance. DigitalOcean is a popular choice for its developer-friendly platform and scalability, and Cloudways by DigitalOcean offers managed Magento hosting for those looking for a managed hosting experience.

Which DigitalOcean plan is suitable for Magento hosting?

For small to medium-sized stores, the DigitalOcean Standard Droplets are often a good starting point. Larger stores may benefit from CPU-optimized or memory-optimized Droplets based on traffic and resource needs. You can view all of the specifics of DigitalOcean’s Droplet virtual machines on our pricing page.

Does DigitalOcean offer a virtual private server for Magento hosting?

Yes, DigitalOcean cloud hosting offers virtual private servers (VPS hosting) that can be used for Magento hosting. You can deploy a VPS on DigitalOcean’s cloud hosting infrastructure and configure it to host your Magento store. This provides you with flexibility and control over your VPS hosting environment, making it suitable for Magento hosting and customization to meet your specific needs.

What are some performance optimization tips for Magento on DigitalOcean?

Some of the best performance optimization tips for Magento hosting on DigitalOcean include:

  • Optimize Magento hosting by enabling full-page caching
  • Using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
  • Tuning your web server and database settings

Utilize Magento’s built-in performance tools for further optimization.

Do I need a separate database server for Magento hosting on DigitalOcean?

For optimal Magento hosting performance and scalability, it’s recommended you set up a separate database server using DigitalOcean Managed Databases, or configure your own database server on a different Droplet.

How can I ensure regular backups of my Magento store data on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean cloud hosting offers automated backups, but it’s advisable to implement a custom backup strategy using tools like rsync or dedicated backup solutions for data redundancy.

What should I do to handle high traffic events like flash sales or promotions with the Magento website on DigitalOcean?

To handle traffic spikes, consider implementing auto-scaling solutions using DigitalOcean Kubernetes or Droplet Auto-Scaling. You can also optimize your store for performance during peak events.

Is DigitalOcean suitable for hosting multiple Magento stores?

Yes, DigitalOcean is a hosting provider that can host multiple Magento stores on separate Droplets or use a single powerful Droplet with virtual hosts to manage multiple stores. Ensure adequate resources and security for each store.

How can I ensure data security and compliance for my Magento store on DigitalOcean?

Some of the best practices for data security and compliance for your Magento store on DigitalOcean include:

  • Implement SSL certificates for secure transactions]
  • Regularly update Magento for security patches
  • Use strong access controls.

Can I install a Magento web hosting solution on DigitalOcean using a one-click application installer?

You can use DigitalOcean’s Marketplace to deploy a pre-configured Magento hosting instance with a one-click application installer, making the setup process fast and convenient.

Is it possible to set up a staging environment for Magento on DigitalOcean?

Yes, you can create a staging environment by duplicating your production Droplet and applying changes there before deploying to your live Magento store, helping ensure minimal disruption to your Magento store.

Get started for free

Sign up and get $200 in credit for your first 60 days with DigitalOcean.*

* This promotional offer applies to new accounts only.